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Healing Treatments

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Personalised Sound Bath
 £25 - 30 mins

Uses crystal singing bowls, attuned to the frequency of each Chakra, to balance and cleanse the Chakras and the Auric Field

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Usui Reiki £30 - 40 mins

An ancient Japanese technique, that aids relaxation and stress relief

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Ethereal Reiki £35 - 55 mins

A combination of Usui Reiki, Crystal Healing and pendulum work, to aid mental/emotional issues and severe stress

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Energy Healing £35 - 55 mins

The harmonising of your energy vibration, to aid physical ailments, injury and illness


Distant Healing £35 - 55 mins

Utilising the healing properties of colour, sacred geometry, organite pyramids and Ancient Egyptian energy, the healing is sent to you in your own home, healing you on a multi-dimensional level

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Ethereal/Energy Blend £40 - 70 mins

A mixture of techniques from Ethereal Reiki and Energy Healing, that is great for a combination of mental/emotional and physical issues

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Reiki Detox £50 - 90 mins

An indulgent Reiki experience, to deeply cleanse your BodyMind System. Perfect for clearing and balancing your chakras and your auric field


Colour Prism Healing £50 - 70 mins 

Uses  a combination of sacred geometry, colour therapy, organite pyramids and Ancient Egyptian energies, to neutralise imbalance related to a specific physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issue. 

This powerful healing modality works with the energies of Archangel Metatron, and Egyptian deities Sekhmet, Isis and Hathor.


Sound Therapy £65 - 20-30 min phone consult, prior to session + 60-90 mins session

Uses therapeutic tuning forks , crystal singing bowls and Tibetan bowls, combined with therapautic techniques shown to affect physiology, neurology and psychology as well as bringing balance to the chakra system and cleansing the auric field


Multi-Modal Healing £55 - 70 mins 

Multi-Modal Healing utilises various healing modalities, to create a truly personalised healing experience. 


I link with my guides to fashion the healing session from the range of types that I offer (Usui and Ethereal Reiki, Energy Healing, The Reiki Detox, Colour Prism Healing and Sound Therapy). 

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